Apple QuickTime movie | 2001-07-05 | 26.9 MB | 320x240 | 30fps | 4 minutes, 12 seconds
Transcription: I Move forward about 3 meters. What's that? Look at that. I've seen that before. Hey. Yeah. Long time ago. My god, you're right. It's the iBorg. That's right. Hey, look at that. The control box is still intact. Damn all else though. There, wait, wait. If that's what something can... No, go left. Keep going, that's right. There, there. Bottom corner, there. I see it. What is that? Think we should go grab it? Yeah, yeah, start a retrieval. That's great. It's an issue. Wow, this is a fine, man. Gonna be rich. Oh my goodness. You guys, these things went for seven dollars back in the day? No. This ...